Margaret Preston, Ph.D.

Margaret Preston, Ph.D.
Professor of History
History Department
Ph.D., 1999, Boston College; M.A., 1992, University College Dublin; B.A., 1990, Loyola University
Dr. Margaret Preston, professor of history, received her Ph.D. from Boston College. She is a social and economic historian who focuses on modern Ireland, Britain and India. In addition to numerous articles, she is the author of Charitable Words: Gentlewomen, Social Control, and the Language of Charity in 19th Century Dublin, which focuses upon the intersections of race, gender, class and social control within the language of charity. She co-edited Gender, Medicine and the State in Ireland, 1750-1963 with Margaret O hOgartaigh (2012). In 2011, Preston published A Journey of Faith a Destination of Excellence: Avera McKennan Hospital's First Century of Caring, the centennial history of Avera McKennan Hospital. Preston's courses include First Year Seminar, Modern Europe, Ireland, World War I, the History of Medicine and Western Civilization. Preston received the ASA 2011-12 Faculty Recognition Award, was one of two recipients of the Jane and Charles Zaloudek Faculty Research Fellowship in 2012, held the Frederick C. Kohlmeyer Distinguished Teaching Professorship from 2014-2016 and is the Stanley L. Olsen Chair of Moral Values (2019-2023).